
Superfad: My Week at Waist Training Video

Katie Kenny and Laura Walters introduce their new podcast Superfad.

For Superfad, a new podcast, Katie Kenney squeezed into his waist trainer. There are some rather mixed results.

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Even before I put on, the waist trainer made me feel uncomfortable. It is commendable that my editor did not hesitate to approve my purchase of a sex shop with a company credit card. But then I mistakenly wrapped my peach and cream at my work address.

Perhaps stupidly, I had proposed a waist trainer for the first Superfad podcast episode. (My colleague and podcast partner Laura Walters did not protest.)

I doubt, but secretly hope that wearing a waist trainer can bring about painless and rapid weight loss. However, as long as I wrap it in my middle, I do not realize that this experiment is painless.

Waist sneakers are essentially modern fashion bodice. But traditional corsets wholesale – reinforced with whale bone or metal – may replace internal organs, sometimes causing symptoms such as heartburn, bloating and – long-term stomach ulcers and esophagitis, and waist trainers are less restrictive.

The Kardashians promoted these clothes on social media; Khloe Kardashian, in particular, is famous for posting pictures of herself with a waist trainer. But other celebrities also quit – Jessica Alba is said to wear two waist trainers day and night in the months after he had his daughter.

So although Instagram sponsored waist trainers have many sponsorship positions – surprising, surprise – but there is not much scientific evidence to support their claims. After checking with my doctor, I made sure that I wouldn’t hurt myself. So I decided to put on a waist trainer for five days at work.

first day

Some waist trainers have a zipper, but this one has a three-breasted buckle (very similar to a normal bra strap). In the end, I found that the most effective method is to fix the top clip and then fix the bottom clip in the middle.

I put it in the afternoon, but after a few hours I had to remove it. This is too simple. When I feel like a piece of sausage stuffed with sausage casings, I can’t put my own thoughts on my job.

My stomach does not come in and out with every breath, and my shoulders rise and fall.

In the evening, I remember one tremor, and I was actually diagnosed with a palliative hernia a few years ago. I don’t want to pop anything out, I think I’ll turn off the waist trainer until I get clear results from the doctor again.

the next day

Unfortunately, I got all the medical clearance and then returned to my waist trainer (but on a loose fitting). Today’s workday is smoother on my desk, so maybe this helped me forget the piece of material that caught my belly.

I experienced a full nine hours of work and even wore a waist trainer on my way to and from the office. However, when I closed the back door of my house, I tore my clothes away and lay on my couch, breathing deeply.

The third day

At this point, I began to consider whether it is possible to weigh some of the weight loss claims spouted by advocates of waist trainers. I do seem to eat less when I am wearing it, mainly because wearing it makes me feel very self-conscious about my body.

Despite this, although I took it off when I got home, I filled my face with food to make up for the lack of the day.

The fourth day

On Thursday, I tried to walk in a waist trainer. I have read that this is what the Kardashians did when they were wearing them. If there was anything I learned from my waist coaches, the ultimate goal was to become a Kardashian.

Not surprisingly, this is not a good exercise. It is both wise and comfortable. The increased layer of tight synthetic clothes also made me sweat more swe back. (I’m sorry, Laura, I know you will wear this dress behind me.)

Fifth day

In the end, I think I’m used to this.

Do you know that some people start looking for wine after work from 4 pm? Well, this is what it is like. About an hour before I went home, I started to fantasize about the thrill I experienced immediately after untipping my waist trainer. The body of the redistributed relaxation relieves, that is, the first few deep breaths, and then can eat until my abdomen swells.

The last thought

Did I lose weight? Oh, no, I don’t think I did. When wearing a waist trainer, I look better at least, say, more decent? No, no one commented on this. I didn’t notice that my own body was different.

If you haven’t guessed yet, I don’t think I’ll soon put on my waist trainer again. However, the experience of wearing it reminds me of whether these trends from past eras represent social regression or progress. Am I a sheep that meets her oppressive gender expectations, or am I wearing a pink satin corset designed by Jean Paul Gaultier? I suspect it is more like the former.

But this week also made me doubt that even if I had the right to judge those who chose to wear a waist trainer, because I was often found wearing high heels, it was also painful and unnecessary. What if some women want to put on a waist trainer for a night’s rest?

We live in an age where people are obsessed with self-reform, regimen makers, and diets. But we also live in an era where women should be able to wear the clothes they want with confidence. Even if it means wearing uncomfortable in the middle of you, a large bandage does nothing at all.

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