Today we have some good news for you! Spring is just around the corner and it’s high time to start getting prepared for the new season. The weather will be much warmer very soon so we came up with a couple of practical tips and ideas on how to transition your winter wardrobe to spring. The whole process it’s actually easier than you may think. Just follow some basic steps and you will be ready for the new season in no time!
1. Colour palette
The beginning of the new season always requires new colors. The spring palette is much lighter, fresh, and colorful. Invest in a couple of new items such as an eye-catching pastel coat (we recommend pink, mint, or baby blue), a floral dress, a light jacket, and a bright, happy handbag that can be combined with some of your winter pieces.
2. Accessories
One of the easiest ways to achieve a new spring look is by wearing fun, colorful accessories. A new pair of shoes, an elegant shawl that can be worn with darker colors as well, sunglasses, belts, earrings, and so popular now – hair clips.
3. Hair & Makeup
Now it’s the best time to visit your hairdresser and have your hair cut. Try something new and easy to maintain. The classic bob is always a great idea as it is suitable for most women, no matter your face shape, and will instantly make you look younger. Think about making your hair a tone lighter or having some highlights done.
Makeup for this season should be light and fresh. Replace your foundation with a BB cream and try to wear pastel eyeshadows. Light pink or coral lipstick will look fantastic. Don’t forget about pink or peach blush to add some color to your skin.
4. Skincare
Keeping your skin moisturized is one of the most important tasks for this season. Invest in a good hydrating serum and make sure you drink enough water. Your diet should be full of fruit and vegetables and you shouldn’t skip daily exercise. Make it a habit to walk outside for at least one hour every single day. There is nothing better than fresh air therapy and a daily dose of vitamin D. Just remember to protect your skin and put some SPF on your face before you go out as spring sun tends to be very strong.

5. Mix & Match
One of the tricks to get a versatile and interesting spring wardrobe is to use some of your winter items and combine them with brighter colors and with lighter fabrics. For example, you can still use your classic black pants and white shirt, but wear them with a pastel cardigan or coat. Brighten up a dark jacket with new accessories – a geometric shawl, a neon handbag, floral maxi skirt, or eye-catching earrings.

Remember that your spring look should always be light and fresh. You don’t need to buy a whole new wardrobe, but invest in a couple of statement pieces and play with bright accessories to achieve a youthful, energetic look. Good luck!