You can find them everywhere, and in abundance, with advice and instructions on how to become leaner, healthier, and fitter. But those who want to feel in harmony with their body must above all develop a healthy awareness of their body.
No one is perfect, although many would like – especially those who are dissatisfied with their body. It is especially women who do not feel attractive enough, who want a leaner or better-proportioned physique. Some would be willing to do anything for thick hair, a complexion free of wrinkles or blemishes, fuller lips, and well-defined arms. Libraries are full of manuals explaining how to easily improve your appearance. Not to mention the multitude of books, magazines, and articles dealing with topics such as sports, nutrition, health, fitness, wellness, well-being, and body care. The list of good intentions that on January 1st makes a fine show of itself on the refrigerator of many houses is getting longer and longer. And it expects too much from those who only intend to do a little more for their appearance and for their body.

When dissatisfaction and insecurity are reflected in the mirror
Thanks to Photoshop, filters, and all other modern technologies, aesthetic standards have increasingly moved away from the reach of ordinary people. This causes severe frustration which in turn generates insecurity and, in the most extreme cases, serious difficulty in facing the judgment of others.
But the most severe judge is ourselves! Various studies have shown that women are the first to not consider themselves beautiful and to judge small imperfections of their bodies as terrible defects that make them insecure and unhappy.

Exercising improves body awareness
There are several ways to stimulate awareness of your body, for example with a healthy lifestyle and a varied and balanced diet. Sport and movement also contribute to forming or developing good awareness, especially forms of movement that involve the whole body, such as yoga, dance, gymnastics, or pilates. Much better if you do the exercises while wearing a 360 lipo foam board.

They are precious resources that help us find an internal balance, thus promoting a positive perception of our body. Yoga in particular has proved to be one of the most effective methods. Accepting your body and probing its limits are fundamental elements in yoga.
Value your strengths
We can also improve the relationship with our body by making an effort to look beyond its weaknesses, focusing instead on its strengths. At the same time, it is also about being able to love yourself. Without being trapped in the belief that the search for recognition and confirmation from others depends only on appearance. Those who know how to take responsibility for their body and listen to its signals will be able to provide it with what it needs to feel good and fit. Therefore, enhance your strengths by wearing the best body shaper under your favorite garments, in order to keep all your shapes under control and come to love your body.

Thanks to all the products you will find on the Sculptshe website, you will be able to find the right balance with your body and the safety you are looking for!