If we could describe the most of trends of the recent few years, we would say it’s definitely “nostalgia”. Recently, it incredibly trendy to dress up the same way as we or some of is were dressing in 80’s, 90’s. Even more recent it became popular to dress up as it’s ’60-’70s. Even 00’s made a major throwback that no one was expecting. Imagine if someone would told you ten years ago that you will be wearing the same clothes that was popular during your childhood and teenage years, would you believe it? We wouldn’t, absolutely, no! Especially 00’s trends look too extra for nowadays. But if to improve old fashion trends and make them more modern, you can easily can wear it in 2020’s.
But, anyway, almost all newest collections from all fashion capitals you can connect with trends that were very popular decades ago came back but in more modernized versions.
Here are the main trends you should try this winter:

Black leather. Faux leather, especially black one never left the trends since 1970’s, but when the colder weather is approaching, on catwalks you may spot even biker jackets and black leather coats. Also, rock style leather pants or a skirt are super trendy options that never get old-fashioned.
Off-shoulder. Off-shoulder was one of the main trends in summer, but, surprisingly, it won’t leave his spot in top trends. Interesting, that to try this trend, you should buy new clothes. You can just wear your leather jacket of shirt to wear in a way where your shoulders are open.

Bright colors. New collections of season autumn / winter prove that you can wear these colors not only on summer. It’s even better to use neon colors during winter, as most people choose black or dark colors, so if you’ll choose vivid colored puffed jacket or coat you will get a lot of attention.
By the way, you can mix bright colors with calm shades to get more balanced look that is not that eye-catching and you can wear outfit like your casual clothes with no problems.

Bright mini bags. Also, it’s super popular to wear bright colored bags. We recommend you to choose small sized bags not to look it too extra.
If you huge bags only type then choose neutral colors like black or pastel ones, if you like something cute and girly.

Black brutal shoes. If you are into cowboy boots, gothic style boots or just like good long black leather boots, it’s your time, girl!
You can get boots of any length you prefer, but most popular models is from middle ankle to as high as basically all your leg length.

Wide shoulders. Finally, this legendary trend is coming back. It was popular in 80’s to early 90’s and some of us were to small to rock wide shoulder jackets (or you was doing it, but it was a long time ago and you were missing now we totally can do it.
By the way, it can be not only jackets, but your winter faux fur coats.

Vintage-styled sweater. It’s sweater weather! And from all sweaters retro sweaters look the most fashionable and cozy. You can mix it with cute long skirts to get a mega trendy look. Look how it looks good together with a leather skirt. Red and black is timeless mix of colors.

Goth / punk aesthetic. Recently there are way more options for alternative styles. So if you are dark aesthetic lover, then now you can rock it without worry to be judged.
Animal print. Cheetah, zebra or tiger print never lost their popularity. If you’ll decide to buy high quality clothes with such prints you can wear during many years.

Glitter. Winter designer collection show how to wear glitter and don’t look tasteless and with what clothes and accessories to match it.
Business style. If you’re a business owner and often have meetings, or, at least, work in office and you are looking for alternative not banal suits, then you have many options this winter.
Maxi skirts. Remember that we already were mentioning long skirts? So yeah, long skirts are clearly one of the biggest trends recent years. Especially 90’s inspired skirts will be in trends, but if you like something more modern, then you have many other variations.